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Revision as of 14:11, 11 July 2014 by Kalkonskit (talk | contribs) (Polishing up the language a bit. I'll come back for more later.)

This is a list of frequently asked questions. It will answer all common questions in the form of concise answers or references to other pages in the wiki.

Question Answer
How do I play? Turn on the GPS and enter a zone. After 45 seconds the zone will be yours, and you earn a certain amount of points. To keep playing, just take take more zones… Also see the rules.
How long is the zone mine? Until someone else takes it, or until the round ends. As long as it is yours it will give you points.
What is a revisit? If you manage to keep a zone for at least 23 hours, you'll be able to take it again. This is called a revisit. A revisit gives you half the normal takeover points.
I entered a zone, but I couldn’t take it. How come? Someone else must have recently taken over the zone, making it blocked for a while. A blocked zone is marked with black and yellow stripes on your map. You'll have to wait for the zone's block timer to run out until you can take it for yourself. If you already own a zone, you can not take it again until at least 23 hours have passed. See revisits.
How long is the block time? From 5 minutes up to 30 minutes depending on the rank of the player who took the zone. A player with rank 1-5 has 5 minutes block time. Rank 6-30 renders a block time in minutes equal to the rank. Rank 31 and above still means 30 minutes. A revisit always blocks a zone for 5 minutes, no matter the rank. To see how much is left of the block time just tap on the zone.
Is it possible to get a shorter take over time? The first time you play your take over time is 45 seconds, but as you level up (by earning points) and get a higher rank that time will shorten. At rank 40 you reach a take over time of 25 seconds, and will not get a shorter time by leveling up. For having the GPS on you will get an additional 5 seconds bonus. And for being the regionlord you can also get another 5 seconds bonus. Thus, the absolute minimum take over time is 15 seconds.
How many zones are there? Over 9000. As of May 2013, the number was at least 13,500.
How large is a zone? In general about 25x25 meters, but that can vary a bit depending on the actual location.
What is a good zone? A zone can be good in many ways. It can be in a historical place, it can have a splendid view, it can be in a park, it can be in a large square, or why not in swamp so that you get a memory that you will never forget when taking the zone. A good zone can also be quite ordinary, but its location might be good for strategical reasons, that is, together with other zones it might form a nice tour.
What is a bad zone? A bad zone is a zone that is dangerous to take (motor roads, railways, navigable channels, etc). If you have to trespass to take the zone, then it is bad. If the zone is indoors it also is considered as bad. A zone is also bad if it will cause turfers to leave marks, for example, if a zone is located so that turfers will go by bike over a waterlogged lawn. If the zone is just inconvenient to take, then it is not considered as bad. Please report bad zones in the forum. Zones where the GPS position is interfered by, for example, surrounding building can also be reported.
The zone is enclosed and you have to pay an entrance fee to be able take it! There are a few zones like that, for example, inside the famous amusement park Tivoli in Copenhagen. They are nice to visit and add value to the game. Note that you do not need to take all zones, and if one zone is enclosed, then there are for sure zones nearby that you can visit without paying for it.
How do I suggest zones? In the menu of the app there is an icon featuring a light bulb. Zoom in to the area where you would like to have a zone. Click on the icon. Start to draw... You get 3 suggestions every round (month). Remember to make the size of the zone approximately 25x25 meters.
Why has the zone I suggested not been created? What you create/propose in the app is just a suggestion. Zone makers create new zones in areas when the activity increases and more zones are needed. When they do that they will look at the suggestions in the area and accept those that they like. Zone makers do not get notified upon new zone request. This means that even though your zone suggestion has not been created yet it might be in the future. If you think an area has been overlooked and needs more zones you should create a post in the subforum corresponding to the region of the location to get the attention of the responsible zone maker.
Who makes decisions about zones? The zone makers.
Who can become a zone maker? If you are interested, please contact Blabert by a PM on the forum, and tell him a bit about yourself and why you are interested.
Is it possible to be a zone maker for your own home region? No.
Why do certain players wear a crown in the app? The player that owns most zones in a region is called regionlord. The regionlord wears a crown and gets as a bonus 5 seconds shorter take over time.
What does the yellow meter below the points show? The yellow meter shows the progress to the next rank. When the bar is full the player will get a new rank.
What does a green plus sign on the map mean? A green plus sign indicates that there has been a new zone on that location since you last opened the Turf app.
What is warded? Warded is a third party webpage that contains a lot of statistics from turf, Read more here.
Is it possible to use multiple units? Yes it is, but you have to use the same Google account.
Is the turf account personal? It is as personal as your Google account. But it goes without saying that it isn't fair play if several people team up and turf with the same account. It is considered as cheating.
What do I do if I suspect that someone is cheating? Contact someone in the Turf Crew, either by the forum or by email.
Is it possible to check my points from previous rounds? You will see the points you've gathered in the emails sent out after every round. If you are in the top-100 worldwide, then you can see them in warded as well.
Is it possible for a Dane to win in Sweden and vice versa? Yes, but a majority of the zones you have visited must be in that country. It is based on where your "home region" is.
How does the game decide where my home region is? The region where you have visited most zone during the current round is your home region. If, for example, you start a round away, the that region will be your home region. When you get home you have to visit more zones than in the other region before you are considered home by the game.
Is it possible to change e-mail (gmail) and still keep the same turf account? Yes, it is possible. Follow the instructions on this web page. Remember to log in on first.
Why can't I get my old user name back? If use the same primary Google account (gmail) as before when you istall the phone, then turf will find your old account and user name. So it seems that you have tried with another Google account.

You can check which google account that is used for turf by logging in on . In the menu you will see "Logged in as ..." followed by Google account.

The easiest way to correct things is to make a full reset of the phone, and then use the correct Google account when re-installing the phone. Wait with adding more Google accounts until turf is up and running.
What is this yellow character on a cloud? The yellow person sitting on a cloud is your position calculated by wireless networks, but since its not as precise as GPS you cannot take any zones with this location, it’s only to get the map to center on your location as fast as possible.