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The turf API is intended for use in third party implementations. Hacking, heavy over-use or other malicious usage of the API may lead to banning from the API and the game.


The Turf API is currently based on HTTP requests/responses structured as JSON (in older versions XML or RSS) for ease of use and availability reasons. The system is based on different versions. You can choose which version to use by stating this in the request-URL. Old API versions are still available but it is NOT recommended to use them, they might not be maintained in the future.

Examples will take you to the latest stable API. links to API version 2. will take you to the "unstable" version of the API.


Click on the API below to see how to use it. (Usage may differ between different versions.)


Turf API V1

Turf API V2

Turf API V3

Turf API V4 (Latest stable)

Unstable Turf API (EXPERIMENTAL, functions may added or removed. Do not use for your final product.)