2018 | 2019 | 2020

2021 (MMXXI) was a normal year that began on a Friday in the Gregorian calendar.

2022 | 2023 | 2024



2021-01-25 The number of possible zone suggestions to add in the app changes. The number of zone suggestions is increased from three to seven per round.


2021-09-04 Turfs eleventh Bonanza - Bonanza:Örebro 2021 Due to covid-19, Bonanza:Örebro 2020 will be moved to this year.
Winner in Bonanza 2021 Foot: rabbit_rail, Winner in Bonanza 2021 Bike: magnusn
2021-09-04 Turf Version 2.1.11 for Android and v2.1.7 for iOS Version 2.1.11 for Android and v2.1.7 for iOS released and contains the new medal serie Daily. Take 5 zones every day for X days straight and get the medals: Daily-10 127.png, Daily-30 128.png, Daily-60 129.png, Daily-90 130.png, Daily-180 131.png and Daily-365 132.png.
2021-09-10 Turf v2.1.8 for iOS v2.1.8 for iOS is released with bug fixes for user interfaces concerning, among other things, top lists.
2021-09-14 First turfer to take the medal Daily-10 127.png 00:02:30 - recycling
2021-09-14 Turf Version 2.1.12 for Android Version 2.1.12 for Android released and contains various improvements.
2021-09-14 Turf v2.1.9 for iOS v2.1.9 for iOS is released and solves a keyboard layout issue in the chat and fixes a medal dialog bug.
2021-09-15 Turf Version 2.1.13 for Android Version 2.1.13 for Android released and contains various bugfixes.
2021-09-16 Turf Version 2.1.14 for Android Version 2.1.14 for Android released and contains various bugfixes.
2021-09-21 Turf Version 2.1.15 for Android and v2.1.10 for iOS Version 2.1.15 for Android and v2.1.10 for iOS released with minor improvements.
2021-09-27 Turf Version 2.1.16 for Android Version 2.1.16 for Android released and contains various bugfixes and improvements.


2021-10-04 First turfer to take the medal Daily-30 128.png 00:03:27 - TXL


2021-11-03 First turfer to take the medal Daily-60 129.png 00:02:43 - Corellian
2021-11-29 TurfTeams launched TurfTeams is an investment in occupational health and is aimed entirely at companies, authorities and organizations. (Only in Swedish).
2021-11-29 Turf Version 2.1.17 for Android Version 2.1.17 for Android released and contains four new teams-medals and small improvements. Turf Teams Gold 134.png, Turf Teams Silver 135.png, Turf Teams Bronze 136.png and Turf Teams 133.png.
2021-11-30 Turf v2.1.11 for iOS v2.1.10 for iOS released and contains four new teams-medals and small improvements. Turf Teams Gold 134.png, Turf Teams Silver 135.png, Turf Teams Bronze 136.png and Turf Teams 133.png.


2021-12-03 First turfer to take the medal Daily-90 130.png 00:02:55 - recycling
2021-12-18 The 100,000th zone created 07:00:00 - Bergheimer in the municipality of Cologne in the region of North Rhine-Westphalia in Germany.


During the year, 23,240 turf zones were created in 39 countries according to the table below.

Country Zones
Australia Flag of Australia.png 134
Azerbaijan Flag of Azerbaijan.png 1
Canada Flag of Canada.png 44
Chile Flag of Chile.png 9
China Flag of China.png 6
Colombia Flag of Colombia.png 1
Czech Republic Flag of the Czech Republic.png 2
Denmark Flag of Denmark.png 50
Egypt Flag of Egypt.png 1
Estonia Flag of Estonia.png 2
Finland Flag of Finland.png 478
France Flag of France.png 2
Georgia Flag of Georgia.png 6
Germany Flag of Germany.png 4 176
Greece Flag of Greece.png 1
Guernsey Flag of Guernsey.png 1
Iceland Flag of Iceland.png 1
Ireland Flag of Ireland.png 134
Isle of Man Flag of Isle of Man.png 30
Japan Flag of Japan.png 72
Jersey Flag of Jersey.png 18
Luxembourg Flag of Luxembourg.png 3
Malaysia Flag of Malaysia.png 10
Mauritius Flag of Mauritius.png 7
Netherlands Flag of the Netherlands.png 73
New Zealand Flag of New Zealand.png 86
Norway Flag of Norway.png 110
Poland Flag of Poland.png 55
Portugal Flag of Portugal.png 20
Qatar Flag of Qatar.png 1
Romania Flag of Romania.png 1
Slovakia Flag of Slovakia.png 2
South Korea Flag of South Korea.png 67
Spain Flag of Spain.png 17
Sweden Flag of Sweden.png 3 082
Switzerland Flag of Switzerland.png 78
Thailand Flag of Thailand.png 26
United Kingdom Flag of the United Kingdom.png 13 699
USA Flag of USA.png 734

Source: Urbangeeks

For zones that were created during the year and have their own article, see here.

Turf Events[edit]

For Events completed during the year see here.

Turf Award[edit]

Turf Award Nominations 2020.
The winners of Turf Award can be found here.

Turf insider[edit]

For Turf insider released during the year see here.


For Turf in international media during the year see here.