Gothenburg (Göteborg) | |
Coat of arms of Gothenburg | |
Country | Sweden |
Region | Västra Götaland |
Number of zones | 1 218 |
Maximum PPH | 4 193 |
Last updated | 2023-04-28 |
Gothenburg (Swedish: Göteborg) is a municipality in the region of Västra Götaland in Sweden. The municipality has about 586,400 inhabitants and is located in the provinces of Västergötland and Bohuslän.
The river Göta älv flows through the municipality.
The municipality is mainly located in the western parts of the province Västergötland while parts of Hisingen are located in southern Bohuslän. The river Göta älv flows through the municipality, while the river Nordre älv in the north forms the border to the municipality of Kungälv. To the west, Gothenburg borders the Kattegat.
Neighboring municipalities to the municipality of Gothenburg are Kungsbacka in Halland County, Mölndal and Härryda in the former Gothenburg and Bohus County in the south, Partille in former Gothenburg and Bohus County and Lerum in former Älvsborg County in the east and Ale in former Älvsborgs county and Kungälv in the former county of Gothenburg and Bohus in the north, to which Öckerö in the west also belonged.
There are 1218 turf zones in the municipality of Gothenburg, four of which are counted as winner zones, four water zones, one train station zone, seven monument zones, 39 holy zones, 49 bridge zones, five castle zones and five ruin zones.
The most taken zone is QueensPark which is located on Drottningtorget (Queen's Square) in central Gothenburg.
Year in parentheses indicates year of creation.
Winner zones[edit]
- Caisesiume2 (2022) - Round 144 by Caisesiume
- Drakblomman (2018) - Round 94 by MrJokerit
- ElCamino (2014) - Round 50 by Pilgrim
- Slättavattnet (2018) - Round 96 by MrJokerit
Water zones[edit]
Trainstation zones[edit]
Monument zones[edit]
- Backabranden (2019)
- Fisketorget (2016)
- GAZone (2010)
- IngoTheChamp (2017)
- Kopparmärra (2010)
- Shipside (2011)
- Sjömansfrun (2013)
Holy zones[edit]
- AllSaintsTorg (2013)
- AngeredsKyrka (2016) - Formerly called Angeredskyrka
- Annedalskyrka (2018)
- AskimKyrka (2014)
- BackadalsHoly (2020)
- BackaKyrka (2013)
- Elim (2018)
- Fiskekyrkan (2011)
- Fridhem (2014)
- FrölundaKyrka (2016)
- Gravallvar (2019)
- GraveZone (2010)
- GötaDome (2011)
- GötetsMoské (2013)
- HagaChurch (2012)
- HammraBoll (2014)
- HedgeZone (2010)
- HeligeMicke (2018) - Formerly called HeligaMicke
- HighTower (2012)
- HolyÄlvsborg (2017)
- KapellKapelle (2017)
- KviKrigsgrav (2014)
- Kyrkogången (2021)
- LundbyGamlaKa (2016)
- MastZone (2010)
- Matteus (2013)
- MissionZone (2011)
- NyaLundby (2013)
- NylöseKyrka (2014)
- OscarFredriks (2012)
- PhatQuang (2019)
- Rundpingis (2017)
- RödboKyrka (2016)
- Stampens (2012)
- StPauli (2013)
- StyrsöKyrka (2014)
- SäveKyrka (2015)
- Vasakyrkan (2014)
- Örgryte (2011)
Bridge zones[edit]
- Amundbron (2014)
- AngerBridge (2013) - Formerly called Angerbridge
- BengtasBro (2018)
- Brudarebron (2017)
- BrunnsbosBro (2013)
- Bräckebro (2013)
- Dammigt (2012)
- DeladSjö (2014)
- DieBrücke (2010)
- EyeshotZone (2014)
- Fiskebron (2014)
- Galtbridge (2014)
- Gamlebron (2014)
- GillaGerilla (2020)
- GolfBridge (2014)
- Gunnilsebro (2017)
- Gärdesbron (2013)
- HisingeZone (2010)
- Hisingsbron (2010) - Formerly called GötaBroZone
- HjällboC (2013)
- Högsboleden (2012)
- Kodammsbron (2017)
- Krokegårdsbro (2015)
- Kvibro (2017)
- Kvillebäcken (2014)
- Lundbytunneln (2013) - The 400th turf zone in the municipality.
- Läckesbacken (2014)
- Lärjeleden (2014)
- Lärjestenbron (2014)
- Lärjeåbro (2014)
- MarieholmsBro (2012)
- Metallbron (2013)
- Oljebron (2015) - Formerly called Oljerakan
- PusterZone (2010)
- Ramnebron (2014)
- SannegårdsBro (2012)
- Skyrsjöbron (2019)
- Slakthusbron (2013) - Formerly called Walckesbron and before that WalckeVidÅn and was located elsewhere.
- Sluthyvlat (2010)
- StoraÅn (2014)
- Syrhåla (2016)
- UlleBridge (2012)
- UptownBridge (2013)
- VickanZone (2010)
- VolvoPåRäls (2016)
- Välteliden (2014)
- WalkOnWater (2010)
- ÖverHamnbanan (2016)
- ÖverLärjeån (2017)
Castle zones[edit]
- KronanZone (2010)
- KränktaGötet (2019)
- Lejonfortet (2013)
- NewElfsborg (2011)
- OscarIIFort (2016)
Ruin zones[edit]
- BorgPåBerget (2013)
- GamlaÄlvsborg (2017)
- Miklaborg (2015)
- PestEller (2016)
- VikingTomb (2012)
Other zones[edit]
- AngeredTorg (2010) - Formerly called AngeredZone and was located elsewhere.
- Apelsinplan (2013) - Formerly called Hjortronplan
- ArödsGenväg (2014) - Formerly called OxEyeValley
- AxlesMosse (2014) - Formerly called AxelsMosse
- BasarZone (2010) - Formerly called Basarzone
- Björsjön (2019) - The 1.100th turf zone in the municipality.
- Blodsboken (2020) - Formerly called Barkassen
- Bollkontroll (2014) - Formerly called BollKontroll
- BommensTorg (2012) - Formerly called TunnelTube
- Bredfjällszon (2014) - Formerly called BredfjällZon
- Bronsfyndszon (2014) - Formerly called Bronsfyndzon
- Brännmärke (2014) - Formerly called BännMärke
- Bäckgrottan (2012) - Formerly called HjällboUtsikt
- CycleJunction (2022) - The 1.200th turf zone in the municipality.
- Dahlström (2010) - Formerly called Dahlstrom
- Delsjörasten (2017) - The 1.000th turf zone in the municipality.
- DomeOfVisions (2013) - Formerly called LindChalm
- EarthHut (2012) - Formerly called EarthhutZone
- Elanderzon (2011) - Formerly called Erlanderzon
- FinnsMossen (2014) - Formerly called Näckrosdamm
- FiskebäckNorr (2014) - Formerly called Fiskebäcknorr
- Flyghamnshöjd (2014) - Formerly called Flyghamnhöjd
- Forestentry (2014) - Formerly called Forrestentry
- FyraVägar (2013) - Formerly called TreVägar
- GamlaLeden (2017) - Formerly called PåBohusleden and before that PåBohusLeden
- GamlaSäveStn (2015) - Formerly called SäveTrain
- Ganlet (2015) - Formerly called Galnet
- GolfForeAlle (2013) - Formerly called GolfForeAllé
- Golfäventyr (2012) - Formerly called GolfÄventyr
- GotNoAnchor (2012) - The 200th turf zone in the municipality. Formerly called GothAnchor.
- Gråskärszon (2014) - Formerly called Gråskärzon
- Gustavsstigen (2020) - Formerly called Gustavsstig
- HojenBrannUpp (2019) - Formerly called RostigaHojen
- HäckVäck (2020) - Formerly called BakomHäcken
- HällsvikZone (2014) - The 700th turf zone in the municipality.
- Hängesten (2020) - Formerly called Hangesten
- HästISkogen (2017) - Formerly called TorsMulle
- Högsbosnurren (2012) - Formerly called HögsboSnurren
- Högsbotornen (2016) - Formerly called HögsboTornen
- IngenRäddning (2013) - Formerly called Livräddarna
- Jailbreak (2014) - Formerly called JailBreak
- Jättestenen (2013) - Formerly called JätteStenen
- Kabeln (2012) - Formerly called KabelZonen
- Kallebäckis (2014) - Formerly called Kallebäckz
- Kannebäck (2010) - Formerly called OpalTorg
- Kanngjutaren (2013) - The 300th turf zone in the municipality.
- Karassari (2010) - Formerly called VolvoTor
- KlareMosse (2013) - Formerly called Klaremosse
- Klippreservat (2012) - Formerly called KlippReservat
- KrokängPark (2010) - Formerly called KrokangPark
- KrutNisse (2013) - Formerly called Krutboule
- LandalaTorn (2017) - Formerly called Landalatorn
- LetsFarm (2015) - Formerly called Utfyllnadszon
- LightYearZone (2012) - Formerly called LightyearZone
- Lillhagsvägen (2022) - Formerly called Lillhagsväge and before that Utslagskröken and was located elsewhere.
- Melonzon (2013) - Formerly called MelonZon
- Multipurpose (2013) - Formerly called MultiPurpose
- OldAirway (2011) - Formerly called OldAirWay
- OldTop (2011) - Formerly called Oldtop
- Ormebäcken (2017) - Formerly called Orrebäcken
- Paketzon (2017) - Formerly called PaketZon
- PlockaRoten (2014) - Formerly called BackaTorp
- Poseidon (2010) - The first turf zone in the municipality.
- PåLäktaren (2020) - Formerly called Cedergatan
- PåSinPlats (2013) - Formerly called Salsmästarn
- QueensPark (2010) - Formerly called Queenspark
- Richert (2012) - Formerly called RichterZone
- Ringlinien (2016) - Formerly called Ringlinjen
- RushNoseStop (2013) - Formerly called SäveStation
- Rälsbron (2013) - Was previously a bridge zone and was located elsewhere.
- Scandinavium (2011) - Formerly called ScandZone
- Selmazon (2013) - Formerly called SelmaZon
- Sikanten (2021) - Formerly called Sikkanten
- Skatekullen (2014) - Formerly called SkateKullen
- Skatås (2011) - Formerly called Skatan
- Skogspassagen (2012) - Formerly called SkogsPassagen
- Skuleblötan (2018) - Formerly called Skulevattnet
- StJörgen (2010) - Formerly called StJorgen
- SverresSkog (2014) - Formerly called SverreSkogen
- Sörhallfontän (2014) - Formerly called Sörhalsfontän
- Tjôtaverket (2012) - Formerly called SVTzone
- TrappflåsFås (2017) - The 900th turf zone in the municipality.
- Turkosen (2013) - Formerly called RudeZone
- ValhallaIP (2012) - Formerly called VallhallaZone
- VarÄrKulan (2013) - Formerly called Lagerkulan
- Vasabibblan (2017) - Formerly called VasaBibblan
- Vasamitten (2017) - Formerly called VasaMitten
- VidGöttebron (2012) - Formerly called VidGötteBron
- VildaLejonet (2017) - Formerly called NedreLejonet
- Vitsippsdalen (2020) - Formerly called Vitsippedalen
- VälenZone (2010) - Formerly called VaelenZone
- YttreJärnvågs (2015) - Was previously a bridge zone and was located elsewhere.
- ÅkeredKulör (2014) - Formerly called ÅkerredKulör
- Ögontröst (2015) - The 800th turf zone in the municipality.
- ÖnIDelsjön (2015) - Formerly called ÖniDelsjön
- ÖnneredZone (2010) - Formerly called OnneredZone
Updated: 2023-04-28
Kanalhuset at Tjôtaverket New Year's Eve 2013.
The zone Kopparmärra is located at Kungsportsplatsen.
View to the south from AngerBridge on Angeredsbron, E45 to the left and E6 to the right, Göta älv flows towards Gothenburg.