Team battle 2017

Team battle 2017 was a region battle during round 87 between six regions. The teams competed in two categories: Points and Takes. The competition consisted of five sub-competitions, each individual week plus the total at the end of the round.

It was the Västmanland region that took home the victory.

Score calculation[edit]

The position is determined by the team's average points as the teams are different sizes. Points are awarded per category in this way:

  • The 1st gets 6
  • The 2nd gets 5
  • The 3rd gets 4
  • The 4th gets 3
  • The 5th gets 2
  • The 6th gets 1

Thus, a team can take a maximum of 12 points in a week if that team wins both the categories. When the round is over, it is also calculated which team has scored the most Points and Takes during the entire round. Points are then awarded for the round per category according to the same scale. A team's final points can now be calculated by adding their points in each category from the four weeks + the whole round.

Participating regions[edit]

Region Country Info
Skåne Flag of Skåne.png Sweden Flag of Sweden.png Snapphanarna
Stockholm Sweden Flag of Sweden.png Stockholm Slayers
Värmland Sweden Flag of Sweden.png Turfing Wolves
Västmanland Sweden Flag of Sweden.png Hunting Deer
Västra Götaland Sweden Flag of Sweden.png Västgötarna
Åland Flag of Åland.png Finland Flag of Finland.png Åland Region Fighters


Placement points
# Region Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Whole Round Total
P T Tot P T Tot P T Tot P T Tot P T Tot P T Tot
1 Västmanland 6 6 12 5 5 10 6 6 12 6 6 12 6 6 12 29 29 58
2 Åland 4 4 8 6 6 12 4 4 8 5 5 9 4 5 10 23 24 47
3 Värmland 5 5 10 4 4 8 5 5 10 4 4 8 5 4 9 23 22 45
4 Stockholm 3 3 6 3 3 6 3 3 6 3 3 6 3 3 6 15 15 30
5 Skåne 2 2 4 1 1 2 2 2 4 2 2 4 2 2 4 9 9 18
6 Västra Götaland 1 1 2 2 2 4 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 6 6 12
  • P = Placement points for average Points.
  • T = Placement points for average Takes.

Source: Turf Skåne


Week 1[edit]

Points Takes
Region Average Average
Västmanland 64 976 469
Åland 53 615 397
Värmland 63 322 459
Stockholm 52 503 323
Skåne 39 494 218
Västra Götaland 37 709 217

Week 2[edit]

Points Takes
Region Average Average
Västmanland 59 848 455
Åland 60 641 498
Värmland 50 729 387
Stockholm 46 908 307
Skåne 33 186 138
Västra Götaland 35 427 213

Week 3[edit]

Points Takes
Region Average Average
Västmanland 65 762 514
Åland 46 636 359
Värmland 60 917 441
Stockholm 46 183 280
Skåne 39 677 224
Västra Götaland 31 240 175

Week 4[edit]

Points Takes
Region Average Average
Västmanland 68 984 551
Åland 63 022 510
Värmland 49 334 355
Stockholm 48 806 304
Skåne 43 220 248
Västra Götaland 36 556 220

The whole round[edit]

Points Takes
Region Average Average
Västmanland 259 027 1 998
Åland 223 513 1 761
Värmland 235 333 1 687
Stockholm 197 678 1 225
Skåne 168 675 939
Västra Götaland 143 677 833

Source: Turf Skåne

See also[edit]