Turf insider January 2020

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Round Winners[edit]

Congrats to the winner of round 114: the Gold medal was awarded Király from Skåne who took his 20th medal, MaXi from Dalarna added a Silver medal to his Bronze medal and M0112 from Lounais-Suomi added a second Bronze medal to his list.
Well done mates!

Turf Events[edit]

If you want your public event featured in Turf insider, write to: insider@turfgame.com preferably at least two months in advance and add a web page if possible. After the event it is always fun to read a paragraph about it (winners, weather, funny episodes) and remember that a picture is always worth more than a 1000 words.

Vb Winter Classic 2020[edit]

Just a reminder to sign up for the Winter Classic event taking place in Umeå on the leap day this year. It is a classical event organized by Turf Västerbotten.

More information regarding registration etc will be posted on our webpage: https://turfvasterbotten.wordpress.com/

Turf Awards 2019[edit]

Turf Awards are awarded to turfers who have made significant or particularly attentive achievements during the previous year or have been involved in an especially noted or spectacular zone takeover. Candidates for awarding the Turf Award are nominated by all turfers who also participate in the final voting to appoint the winners. Turf Award is handed over to the winners by Turf Crew at the Bonanza banquet in Örebro on May 16, 2020.

Turfers can be nominated in four categories:

Best Turf achievement of 2019 - Awarded to the Turfer who, for example, got the most gold medals, monthly medals, has taken the most zones, unique zones, regions or equivalent in 2019.

Turf Star of 2019 - Awarded to the Turfer who started turfing as a newbie in 2019 and has made the fastest progress during the year.

Turfer of the year 2019 - An open category to nominate a Turfer that excelled in an exemplary way without any connections to an individual Turf performance. This award can be given for anything, for example: efforts to spread Turf, marketing, organizing Turf events or a Turfer who has helped and supported others in a special way.

Most Spectacular Zone Takeover of 2019 - Awarded to the Turfer, who has completed one of the most notable or spectacular zone takes in 2019.

Nomination procedure

From January 13 to January 31, you will have the opportunity to submit proposals on who should be nominated for a final vote round to be awarded the Turf Award 2019. Link to forms for proposing candidates can be found on https://turfgame.com/ and Facebook from January 13th.

Trans-Siberia Turf train adventure[edit]

Turfer allinug from Uppsala is a daring old lady who booked a trip with the Trans-Siberian railroad over New Year's. I asked her to contribute with some stories from her trip and a few pictures. Here is her story:

”The train slows down well before Ulan-Ude, the turning point for my train journey. I gather my luggage after nesting for four days among Russian families on their way to New Year's celebrations. I step off the train and head for the Ulan-Ude Turf zone.

I never imagined I would discover new places in my hometown, when my sister-in-law introduced me to Turf. Even less, that a year later I would cut across railroad tracks in Siberia because there is a zone in that direction. Admittedly, I followed the flow of the other passengers, but then I stood there in a parking lot (Ulan-Ude) and was barely able to take myself back after taking the zone to the right side, where my hotel was located. It took an hour and some uniformed people to succeed (you just don't run around the station area willy nilly in Siberia).

I began the journey in Moscow, and after taking all zones there at least once, I went with the train east for four straight days to Ulan-Ude, a day trip beyond Lake Baikal. On the way back I will stay for a few days in some cities. At the time of writing most recently in Novosibirsk, where I hope to see a glimpse of the Orthodox Christmas celebration and a little more than a glimpse of the zone. On my way east, the gps played a trick on me during the stop.

Other zones were more easily captured, some even from inside the train. The train schedules are detailed and kept to the minute. I printed them out when I bought the tickets (directly on the Russian train company's website) and then it has been easy to plan my "excursions" on the slippery platforms. At the same time, it is interesting to study the beautiful station houses and the interesting railway routines: the locomotive is sometimes changed, new carriages are switched on, the ”provdonitskan/ -niken” (carriage host) steps off and chops ice from the chassis (Yekaterinburg) before checking passports and tickets. Then, new coal is poured under the samovar in the carriage to keep us passengers warm with fresh tea.

The picture is missing, feel free to upload it if you have it

When I return to Moscow, neutral zones await, some within walking distance of my accommodation. Most of them are of course located at places that I would nevertheless visit, eg. the so well-known, fabulous Vasily Church at Red Square (VasilyChurch). It became a bit difficult to take, as the area was suddenly blocked off and a more or less strict police guard was located at the barriers. However, a friendly guy let me through once - without having to explain everything about Turf, as sometimes is the case.

One place I would have missed without "turf-guiding" is Luzhniki Stadium, located in a huge sports area on the Moscow River. Fun to get to totally unexpected places! And yes, I mix with other experiences too! From music and art to hiking on a sparkling beautiful Angaraf River yesterday. The adventure continues!”

Turf Region Battle[edit]

Dalarna was battling with region Örebro during December 2019 and the winning team of 29 Dala-turfers was spear-headed by MaXi, this rounds Silver medalist. I asked him for a few words about the battle:

"Both regions recruited a team of turfers from their region in order to battle it out during December with regards to highest average take points per turfer. The points of the highest 80 % turfers in the team was counted. The region battle was divided into weeks so the region that won most weeks during December month wins. In the end Dalarna won over Örebro with 4 - 1. You can find the details at Turfportalen. Overall the region battle had a positive impact to help turfers get motivation to take some extra zones and we in Dalarna look forward to doing another one in 2020."

Diverse, Diversier, Diversiest[edit]

New medals were released on the 8th of December, the Diverse-series where a turfer has to collect round unique zones.

The picture is missing, feel free to upload it if you have it

The medal was a result of a vote among the Turf community earlier during 2019. The first week, the Diverse-medal was awarded to turfers all over the map. To date only 8 turfers have been awarded the highest level, Diversiest. MaXi from Dalarna was the first turfer to visit enough round unique zones for this medal, he wants to thank OdKing and BigBang for help with both guiding him to new zones and getting a ride with his bike when no more unique zones could be found at home. Personally for me, the two higher medals will be Turf goals for the warmer and lighter parts of the Turf year. For now I am happy with the Diverse-medal :)

Turfa lugnt/Safe turfing!
