Turf insider September 2019

« Turf insider August 2019 Turf insider October 2019 »

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Round Winners[edit]

First of all, huge congratulations to the winner of round 110: M0112 from Finland! With nothing short of 1 200 000 points he ended up securing first place, gaining the Gold medal for his efforts, a feat of M0112's extraordinary dedication, endurance and hard work. This is the first time in Turf history that a gold medal is awarded outside of Sweden, marking a unique milestone for future rounds.

Király came second and was awarded not his first, nor second, but SIXTH Silver medal! Gammelturfen claimed his first Bronze medal this round, is this the beginning of another rising star? We'll see what will happen in the future...

Well done mates!

Kulturf 2019 - 31st of August in Örebro[edit]

On the 31st of August, Kulturf took place in Örebro, Sweden. 77 turfers attended the event. Dritzz, wolf71swe and oerjan scored first, second and third place respectively in the bike heat, while Rappapå, elulf and ÖrebroTurfaren scored the top 3-placements in the foot heat. An evening dinner was held at the restaurant Svampen to round up the day. Certainly looks like an amazing event and evening! Mingel by Svampen.

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Svampen dinner.

Swamp Expedition[edit]

This round, seven turfers got together to plan out an excursion with the goal to take the zone ÖrnäsMardröm, located in a swamp in Lillsjöns nature reserve in the outskirts of Swedish capital city Stockholm.

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Swamp Patrol

After meeting up in Tinybath, the seven dedicated turfers set foot towards the swampland. The way forward was paved with screams, laughter, unforgiving terrain and even the surprise appearance of a snake amongst the reeds.

The group eventually made it to the zone, and did a couple of zone takes. After the return back to the meetup area a couple of the brave turfers decided that the swamp adventure was not enough and took a plunge in Lillsjön, grabbing the water zone TrillaISjön.

Now, you may think that this marks the ultimate end of the journey, but the Swamp Patrol, which is the now coined name of the swamp explorers, showed impressive dedication and kept on with the swamp exploration. On the way home, the group passed by SäbyNightmare, another zone located in what can be only be described as Shreks paradise, and decided to take that zone as well.

At this point, three members of the Swamp Patrol remained. All three did a successful take of the zone SäbyNightmare, before two unbelievably dedicated turfers in the end decided that all of this was not enough and set foot to grab BonanzaTräsk, located in... yes, you guessed it – a swamp. The take of BonanzaTräsk, accompanied by a swarm of bloodthirsty mosquitoes, marked the end of the day, with a snack in the swamp and dinner to, most likely, celebrate the incredible feat of the day. We will see what awaits in the future from the Swamp Patrol. In the mud...

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Amongst the reeds...

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Well done mates: Peterspirea, Mr__Noodle, hjulpynt, JKJE, mowog, Rickshaw and Anniña.

Ask the Community: ”You know that you are a Turf veteran when...”[edit]

- ”You use Turf as the GPS at work to find customers.”

- ”You watch the news and exclaim ”I've taken that zone!””

- ”You refer to zone names instead of official names of locations.”

- ”You have a hard time reading a map if it lacks marked zones.”

- ”You celebrate your birthday more often than you rank up.”

- ”You refer to eras as pre-Turf and post-Turf.”

Lundkvist update[edit]

Counties where you once have taken all zones, turning them "yellow" on the map, and where new zones have been added afterwards, will now make the county show up as orange on the map. Sweet!

Tip of the month: Finding out who has the Region Lord bonus[edit]

Turfers who currently are Region Lords are accompanied by a Region Lord crown next to their name on the leaderboards. Use this to figure out who is region lord in your region, country or personal top list, and how many zones are owned by the turfer. It may help you plan out the amount of zones needed to acquire the crown yourself (and maybe who you should take zones from, but you didn't hear that from me).

TurfWiki is now open, big time to get the Wiki Expandator medal[edit]

TurfWiki is now open for public editing and account creation. Create or edit your favourite article on the biggest knowledge database about Turf. The rare medal "Wiki Expandator" is now within reach for many more turfers out there. Now it's easier than ever to get started and grab that medal yourself!

Turf, Naviki and the release in Germany[edit]

Turf has been officially released in Germany, together with a new partnership with the navigation app Naviki. Now you can see Turf zones as points of interest in Naviki, thus helping you create effective routes between zones. You can check out Naviki here.

Wishing you a great new round, happy turfing!

Sincerely/ PaltN & Turf Crew