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Turf insider Juni 2015

629 byte lades till, 25 juli 2023 kl. 09.23
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{| style="width: 90%;"
| style="width: 10%"| « [[Turf insider Maj 2015]]
| style="width: 10%"| [[Turf insider Juli 2015]] »
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Spring seems to have had some troubles keeping steady, a lot of rain has poured over us turfers and the temperatures were for the most part quite cool. Let's hope that June gives us a slightly warmer experience.
Did that stop us from competing our butts off in the previous round? Heck no! [[Användare:Hvalle |Hvalle]] grabbed this rounds gold [[Gold medal ]] with an amazing score of nearly 1.4 million [[Poäng|points! ]] The first runner up was [[Användare:simpson |simpson]] who managed to pass the one million mark by over 40 000 [[Poäng|points ]] and in third place we find [[Användare:Björke|Björke ]] who ended this round with an impressive 819 000 points! Well done everyone!
==Bonanza 2015==
Yesteraday was a special day in [[Turf ]] history, namely the the [[2015 ]] edition of [[Bonanza:Stockholm 2015|Turf Bonanza ]] in [[Kommun:Stockholm|Stockholm]]! For those of you unaware of this type of event, it is the annual and official [[Turf ]] event of the year. Oh yeah, and I was there and documented the competition, had a few words with a lot of fellow [[Turfare|turfers]], a few guys from the turf crew [[Turf Crew]] and even one of the creators was chillaxing in the couch and overseeing the event. As with all big events, there was a small hiccup in the first round, but was solved pretty quickly and the round went on with [[Användare:jonac|jonac ]] as the winner!
The second round however, showed no server problems and the fight for the third place was a really interesting one. I, [[Användare:Jojje|Jojje ]] and [[Användare:Drassen|Drassen ]] were following the updates on the screen back at the base while listening to [[Användare:Blabert |Blabert]] speaking on his portable studio to all the turfers in the field. [[Användare:CykelTurbo|CykelTurbo ]] and [[Användare:MarresmacK |MarresmacK]] were passing each other back and forth near the end but at the very end [[Användare:CykelTurbo|CykelTurbo ]] managed to pass [[Användare:MarresmacK |MarresmacK]] with only six points! When it came to the second and first place it was pretty clear who would win somewhere after 2:30 pm when CykelTurbo [[Användare:MarresmacK|MarresmacK]] lost his second place to [[Användare:Thunell|Thunell]]. [[Användare:morgam |morgam]] was unstoppable after 2:10 pm who managed to keep the lead and snatch the gold medal with over 100 points ahead of Thunell. [[Fil:Under constructionBild saknas.pngjpg|none|400px|thumb|Bilden saknas ladda gärna upp om du har]][[Fil:Under constructionBild saknas.pngjpg|none|400px|thumb|Bilden saknas ladda gärna upp om du har]]After the event, a lot of us joined up at a pub to eat, drink, and talk about [[Turf]], and perhaps some other topic. For more pictures, check out this link!
==Upcoming events==
For more info (in Swedish): https://forum.turfgame.com/viewtopic.php?f=131&t=4630
Another annual event is the Turf Open Jönköping, or TOJ which will kick off on the 8th of August in (you guessed it) [[Kommun:Jönköping|Jönköping]]. It's free to participate, and you will compete in teams! You can register your participation right up until the event starts but if you want to join in on the cool dinner afterwards, they would like to know you're coming before the 3rd of August at http://goo.gl/forms/yoPMVtlb48
For more info (in Swedish): https://forum.turfgame.com/viewtopic.php?f=131&t=4689
Finally, we have an event with a wet twist, Turf Sea Challenge Kalmar! Yes sir, it's on water and you will be renting a two man canoe to dish it out versus a whole bunch of other turfers, it's going to be a unique experience! This insane happening will be held on the 29th of August, detailed information in Swedish can be found here: http://kalmarturf.se/turf-sea-challenge/
This has been a long news letter so I'm not going to add anything tips or tricks as I often do. I'll end this letter by saying, have a great summer everyone, and see you in July
//[[Användare:StarDust|StarDust]], [[Land:Sverige|Sweden]]
[[Kategori: Turf insider 2015]]
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