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Turf insider September 2022

Version från den 9 september 2022 kl. 20.54 av Ojarnstr (Diskussion | bidrag) (Turf Picture of the Month)

Round winners

Congratulations to the winners of round 146: grimric from Skåne went straight for Gold without passing Silver and Bronze, Drylaw13 from Scotland added a third Silver to his collection and Jomii from Värmland was awarded his first Bronze, hopefully not a letdown after two pervious Gold medals. Well done mates!

Upcoming events:

Skåne Open in Malmö on the 10th of September. Information in Swedish HERE.

ÖstgOpen takes place in Linköping the second weekend of October. There will be a by foot and a by bike event. In the evening it will be a drop-in dinner at one of the local restaurants. Information in Swedish HERE.

Turf Ultimate Region Fight 2022

This year’s Region Fight has begun! This is the third year MaXi is organizing this multi-region fight in September. 11 regions are battling it out during four weeks in three categories (points, takes and round unique zones). Turfportalen is the place to keep an eye out for how the Region Fight is going, HERE. Let the most dedicated region win! And remember to have FUN!

A little reminder about issues

We want you to write issues when something is amiss with the game, most issues are about zones (misspelled, lacking attribute, wrong location). The zone makers are responsible for looking at the issues and correcting those that are deemed to need correction.

Since some months ago we now have many non-Swedish speaking zone makers, so it would be great if issues are NOT written in Swedish. However, it is always better to write an issue in Swedish than not at all!

Secondly, be PATIENT when submitting an issue, the issue web interface is very slooooow in uploading your issue. In extreme cases, up to 4-5 copies of the same issue will be submitted. Maybe not a big deal, but we need to close each one.

It is also possible to subscribe to issues in your area of interest, so that you can stay informed about issues that other turfers submit about zones that you care a little extra about. It will also give you a chance to comment on the issue and offer your point of view :)

Turf Picture of the Month

Mainly submissions from Scotland this month, so no surprise one of them are featured.

This month's Turf Picture is taken greasedweasel. If you have a Zone picture you want featured as Turf Picture of the Month, send it to insider@turfgame.com Please include your Turf nick for recognition!

Turf Hero of the Month

In August turfer allinug spent a whole day walking around Lunsen forest as part of the Uppsala flipper provided by [frut.zundin frut.zundin]. After about 20 kms walking and only about 2 kms from her bike, she smelled smoke. She was very tired, and for a split second she was hoping she was imagining the smell. But her inner moral compass told her to leave the path she was on, and go investigate.

It was lucky she did, she found an abandoned grill location where a small fire was going. It was a very dry forest and the moss on the rock next to the grill was quickly catching fire. She used a branch to bash out the flames and then called


With the help of the Turf map and UrbanGeeks Turf Map Tool she was able to lead the fire fighters straight to the burgeoning fire. She even got to ride in the fire truck!


Needless to say, allinug is a hero and we can thank her, the Uppflipper mission and Turf for averting a major forest fire in Lunsen this summer.

Turfa lugnt/Safe turfing!


...if you want to contribute to future Turf Insiders, send your story to insider@turfgame.com :) C'mon and share your big and small stories with the Turf world.