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Turf insider Juli 2017

Summer winners

Round 84 is over and we have two new podium medalists! At third place peterspirea with over 700 000 points and nearly 3600 takeovers. At second place MadMajk with just short of 800 000 points who managed to to this with 4136 takeovers and at first place at just over 930 000 points and 4168 takeovers snickaren. A big round of applause to the first summer winners!


During the June round two annual turf events took place. The Göteborg Open was also this year blessed with sunshine, and in Umeå the reports talked about a nice Midnight Classic where the sun was shining during the two event hours. This month Umeå will be the hosts for another event. Even if everyone had the chance to join it it will be a closed event. Solely due to that the city otherwise would be blocked for all other turfers during 24 hours The new medal Event24 will be awarded to the participants. More info on the medal criteria will be published in the turf forum shortly.

The closest upcoming event is on August 26th, namely the TurfSea2017 event. This challenge takes place solely on water and you compete in teams of two in canoes! For more information in Swedish on this epic event check out this PDF-file: http://media.kalmarturf.se/2017/06/Inbjudan_information.pdf


During the summer Turf Crew like many others like to go traveling. Naturally, this does not mean that no zones will pop up, nor will issues be ignored. It may however mean that replies might be a bit slower since we are working with a reduced staff. I myself will soon be going on vacation and will hand over the writing of the next news letter to (probably) maqqan who has done a great job at writing the letter when I haven't been able to. Don't hesitate to say hi to me if you see me Turfing somewhere in Sweden :)

Have a great summer!
