Turf insider Juli 2018
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Round winners[redigera]
The winner of round 96 took a solid grip of the lead from day one, 414 zones taken over 13 hours of biking. He averaged 298 zones per day during the round's four weeks. Congratulations MrJokerit from Gothenburg to his second Gold!
MysMulle from Stockholm spent the first couple of days of the round in Uppsala, chasing unique zones and becoming the fifth to be awared with the medal 7500 Unique. He then coninued to take just over one million points, another 360ish uniques zones and with that he secured a Silver medal over Ita from Skåne. Ita is the first woman from Skåne to win a round medal of any value and her compatriots are very proud over her (read more here Obs! Only in Swedish). Congratulations to both of you for a well turfed round :)
Turf Meetings[redigera]
Many turfers are social creatures and since Assist was introduced last year, it has become common to see turfers join up to take one zone or many. For the second year in a row, turfers in the Uppsala region met up on the 6th of June (Sweden's National Day) to bike and turf along the old railroad track between Uppsala and Enköping. This year ten turfers started in Uppsala and six in Enköping. The two groups met up halfway in Örsundsbro to have a Swedish fika in the zone Krämarn.
Water zones[redigera]
Summer means going swimming for a lot of us. Luckily there are water zones so that we can keep on turfing while swimming. Water zones can be taken both during summer and winter, but only a take between May and October will result in the medal Order of Aquamen. At www.lundkvist.com one can compare registered users in different categories of zones, one being water zones.
Two Uppsala turfers have taken 28 % of all water zones. That is more than twice as many as any one else at www.lundkvist.com :) Their favorite water zone take during winter time is Alstern in Värmland: ”When we walked far out on the snow covered ice, it felt as if we were on the mountain in winter when the weather is at its best.” explains Hylaeus. The best water zone take during ”summer” was Badbrottet, a zone they visited in September. ”It was chilly in the air, but the water was still bathable. It was beautiful and magical, a bit away from the beaten track in Sala.” says Hylaeus. The worst water zone was Kolsnäsdopp in Sunne: ”The bay was so shallow, that had it not been raining, we would not have become wet!”.
Water zones can have funny shapes, like Falukorven in Falun. It is shaped as a sausage (kind of like the letter U). JKJE is one of many turfers who has taken Falukorven. It was a few years ago when he was travelling through Falun, seeing how it was a fun symbol for the city and its famous sausage. There is also Badankan in Örebro, shaped like a duck.
Water zones also make turfers use their imagination in the area of ”helping devices” in order to secure a take; canoes, radio controlled boats, inflatable mattresses or just a lunch box to keep the cell phone dry :)
So, how many water zones will you take this summer? And how? :)
Three Quick Ones[redigera]
Today we continue with three turfers I talked to at the Bonanza in Västerås.
Turf nick: Karuin[redigera]
What made you begin with Turf?
- My mother.
Which personal goal are you most satisfied with?
- My Region medal.
Most memorable zone you have taken. Why?
- PrästensBadkar. I was the first one to take it.
Turf-nick: virre67[redigera]
Favorite Zone?
- Every unique one.
What is most frustrating with Turf?
- When Game-Over takes ”the closest turf way home”
Which personal goal are you most satisfied with?
Turf-nick: Wsnurr[redigera]
What made you begin with Turf?
- Bombina in a segment on the TV-show ”Landet Runt”
Which medal was hardest to take?
Most memorable zone you have taken. Why?
- IvanovoRock, in Bulgaria, a World Heritage Zone. I flew down, rented a car, walked over a super-rusty bridge, took a cab for 30 km and was left on a parking lot and then had to walk to the zone.
Turfa lungt/Safe turfing!