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Zone suggestion

1,789 bytes added, 13:10, 28 March 2021
== Introduction ==There are no different ways to go when you want to suggest a new [[zone]]s : Directly in your locality? Or do you know a really nice place where a zone would be perfect?<br>By pressing the '''bulb''' icon in app, via the menu you can suggest zones. Each [[round]]forum, ie every month, all users gets three zone suggestions each. You suggest or in a zone by:* Drawing the shape of the zone by clicking on the map.* Give the zone a suitable namelayer in Google Maps.
For == Directly in the app ==You can directly in the app suggest seven [[zone]]s each [[round]].* Press the menu button [[File: Menu.png|18px]] at the bottom right then the light bulb [[File: Menu_suggest.png|20px]].* Draw the shape of the [[zone]] by clicking on the map (if it is wrong, press 'clear').* Press Suggest and then give the [[zone]] an appropriate [[Zone_Guidelines#Naming|name]]. == Via the forum ==Both Android and iPhone users can use the forum to suggest [[zone]]s, for example to provide more in-depth suggestions with pictures. == In a layer in Google Maps ==You can also add suggestions for new [[zone]]s in a layer in Google Maps. Some [[region]]s have opened up so that [[turfer]]s in that region can submit proposals directly there, and then propose to argue for their suggestions in the forum. Information on how to do this can be found in the thread "Create a map with your zone proposals" on the forum (link below). One region that has opened up that possibility is [[Region: Uppsala|Uppsala]] (link below). A clear advantage of this is that then you also see existing [[zone]]s, and where others have submitted their suggestions. '''Links'''* [ The thread "Create map with your zone suggestions" on the forum]* [ [[Zone]]s and zone proposals in Uppsala] == General tips on zone proposals ==In order for there to be a greater chance that your [[zone ]] will become a reality, the surface area of the zone should be about approximately 25x25 meters. Also keep in mind that there must be at least 200 meters between the zones.<br>For each proposed and approved completed zone suggestion by the [[zone buildermakers]]s, you will receive an email a message stating that the zone is has been approved, ie that it has become real in the app. Note that such a message is also sent even when another zone is completed in the zone suggestions immediate vicinityof your zone suggestionGetting their [[zone]]s approved does not happen every day. It can take days, but it can also take years or never happen. It all depends on activity in the area and whether your [[region]]'s [[zone makers]] like the suggestion. {||[[File: Zonforslag.jpg|200px|thumb|left|Example of zone suggestion]]|} == Further reading ==* [[Zone Guidelines]]* [[Zone makers]] [[Category: Game system]] [[sv: Zonförslag]]
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