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Turf insider May 2023

No change in size, 14 January
Greeting from Minnesota
”Many [[Region:Minnesota|Minnesota]], [[Country:USA|U.S.A]] Turf Game players also participate in an international challenge called 30 Days of Biking ( 30 Days of Biking is a pledge to ride your bike every day in April and share your adventures online with the hashtag #30daysofbiking. The 30 Days of Biking challenge began in Minnesota, so many bike riders here participate.
Three [[Turfer|Turfers]] attended a Minneapolis group ride on May 1 to celebrate the end of the challenge, and we split off the main group to take a few crowdy zones along the Mississippi River before catching up with the group again.
Turf Game and 30 Days of Biking go well together! If you have never tried the 30 Days of Biking challenge before, why not join us in April [[2024]]?”
The zone with the three happy turfers is the 35W Bridge Memorial. The 13 pillars represent the 13 people who died when the bridge collapsed into the Mississippi River on August 1, 2007, and the names of the survivors are etched into the wall.
==Turf [[Picture of the Month]]==