
Turf insider December 2013

5 byte lades till, 13 december 2023 kl. 15.35
New Android version and support Turf!
==New Android version and support [[Turf]]!==
With a brand new Android version of the app came quite a few really nice changes and new features. Perhaps the most noticeable change is that the statistics page in the app now is reserved for Turf [[Supporter|supporters]]. In order to get access to your personal statistics in the application (they're still available at the website for free) you need to become a [[Supporter|supporter]]. You sign up at the website and the cost is currently 29 SEK (~€3) a month, or you can choose to go for three or twelve months to get a discount. Your avatar will get a shiny "S" on its stomach and you will gain access to your personal in app statistics. In the future the [[Turf Developers|developers]] have promised we will see more perks for [[Supporter|supporters]], however these perks will never be of the pay-2-win kind. I urge everyone who has the possibility to become a [[Supporter|supporter]] to do so, the funds are very much needed to keep the game servers up and running. The new version also had quite a few other nice features! The [[Zon|zone]] taken window now disappeares automatically, great for the coming winter! New sounds, for example the [[Turf]] lady will warn you if you enter a blocked [[Zon|zone]] now. Three new medals: [[UK Explorer]], [[Dawn Ninja]] and [[Icosaregion Star]]. All along with some other minor updates I would say that this version indeed brought us many nice things!
==Turf Music Aid==
15 470