
Turf insider December 2020

55 byte lades till, 13 december 2020 kl. 17.20
ingen redigeringssammanfattning
[[Fil:Turf insider banner.jpg|none|700px]]
==Round winners==
Congratulations to the winners of [[Omgång 125|round 125]]: [[Användare:Király|Király]] from [[Region:Skåne|Skåne]] secured his umpteenth [[Gold medal|gold]], [[Användare:féarglas|féarglas]] from [[Region:Scotland|Scotland]] biked home her first [[Silver medal|silver]] and [[Användare:M0112|M0112]] from [[Region:Lounais-Suomi|Lounais-Suomi]] turfed home a third [[Bronze medal|bronze]] to the collection. All medal winners turfed home way over 1 million points. Well done, mates!
==Lusseturf 2020==
[[Turf Västmanland]] is organizing Lusseturf for the 8th year. This time it will be different. No general assembly before the event, no coffee and buns afterwards. Even a different area for the event. But it will take place on the day of Lucia: Sunday the 13th of December.
Another longer ”event” is the Advent Calendar organized by Turf Örebro that begun on the First of Advent. Each day the participants get a task, for example ”Take two 170 tp zones” or ”Take 10 zones”. The daily task is e-mailed to the participants and also posted on the Facebook page of Turf Örebro. If you succeed with the task every day until the 22nd of December, you are part of the raffle of a USB bike light. Although I think most people participating, is not doing it for the prize, but for the fun of getting out and about with a daily mission to complete.
==Expansion in the UK==
I don't think anyone has missed the fact that a Scottish turfer named [[Användare:féarglas|féarglas]] biked home a [[Silver medal]] this round. The activity in [[Region:Scotland|Scotland]], but also in other regions of [[Storbritannien|UK]], is really taking off. I asked [[Användare:ESOCWalter|ESOCWalter]] and two other turfers in Scotland to answer some basic Turf-related questions for [[Turf Insider]]. I think most of you will smile in recognition to many of the answers and stories by the Scottish turfers :)
==First out is [[Användare:ESOCWalter|ESOCWalter]] himself:==
'''Your Turf-nick/alias and the story behind it:'''
[[Fil:ESOCWalter IslandIsland.jpg|none|500px|miniatyr|ESOCWalter after taking IslandIsland]]
==Secondly we get to hear from [[Användare:MarkuuEsoc|MarkuuEsoc]]:==
'''Your Turf-nick/alias and the story behind it:'''
[[Fil:MarkuuEsoc.jpg|none|500px|miniatyr|MarkuuEsoc with his very helpful kids]]
==Third one out [[Användare:féarglas|féarglas]]==
And finally, after winning her silver medal, [[Användare:féarglas|féarglas]] took the time to answer the same questions :)
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