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Turf insider Januari 2024

Version från den 13 januari 2024 kl. 16.42 av Ojarnstr (Diskussion | bidrag)
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Round winners – December 2023 (Round #162)

Congratulations to the winners of round December 2023: Király from Skåne decided to take one more Gold, gerald_flux.rc from Berlin added another Silver to his medal row and nicos from Berlin turfed home his first Bronze. Well done mates!

Upcoming events

If you are organizing an open event, don't forget to write to insider@turfgame.com a couple of months in advance to get the information about your event into the news letter :)

VBWinterC24 Saturday 10th of February in Umeå, Sweden

The winter classic is back in Umeå and will be for both bike and foot on the same day. It will be cold, hopefully lots of snow and during the few hours of daylight at this time of the year.

Bonanza 2024 in Enköping

I hope you have booked the 14th of September 2024 for attending the next Bonanza in Enköping, Sweden. More news will follow when we get closer to the date!

Voting for new Medals

As a Supporter you have the chance to vote for the next new Medal in Turf. Five different medals have been suggested by Crew and you can vote HERE until the end of January 2024.

Turf Awards 2023

It's finally time to nominate the Turf achievements in 2023 that you consider the most spectacular, amazing or funny. You can nominate turfers in four different competition categories until February 29th. Nominate HERE. When the nomination period is over, up to five nominees are selected in each category by Crew. During April, all turfers will have the chance to vote for a winner in each category. The winners will be revealed at the Bonanza banquet on September 14th. Many thanks in advance for your contribution. Remember to start jotting down for yourself the spectacular achievements of 2024 so that you will remember them in a year when it is time to nominate for Turf Awards 2024!

Turfing in Extreme Cold –by Kygni

“During the coldest night of my life, the night between 3rd and 4th of January 2024, I took a two hour long Turf trip after ice bathing and sauna. I started the trip at 02:53 from the center in Luleå, the zone 'Greysoul'. You see the view from the zone in the picture below.


I wanted to make a zone picture, but the phone had a few issues...

From there I wanted to bike straight home because I was very tired, but I also wanted to truly experience the extreme cold so I took a little detour on my way home. As most turfers know, having the phone on the bike is the most optimal, that way you can check the map whenever you need, instead of taking out your phone from your pocket, however in minus -35 degrees Celsius, even the most rugged phone will die on you within minutes.

I had to bike from memory and have the phone in my jacket and even then, the phone struggled to keep warm and alive. I passed two thermometers on the way and both said it was minus 35 degrees, however the official SMHI (red. Swedish weather forecast service) observation in Kallax said it went as low as -36.4C this night. A friend's thermometer showed as low as -37C, and I heard that locally it went as low as -38C. When I passed the train station, every train was cancelled because of the extreme cold. The Cold Record for Luleå is -41,0, recorded in 1999, so it was very close this night.

At the end of my Turf trip, I had a pain in my cheeks and had to use a flag around my face to prevent frostbites. I got to keep almost every zone the rest of the round since the warmest I noticed before the December round ended was the superwarm -23C. No one in Luleå will think -20C is cold for the rest of the winter.”

The coldest I myself have been out biking in, was back in the middle of the 90's when I lived in Umeå and wanted to go to the cinema on a cold Boxing Day, so off I went in a crisp -28C. This was way before Turf and way before any cell phone that would die on me. The other day we had a lovely -18C here in Uppsala and the phone survived 30 min outside on my bike's handlebars before it decided to give up in zone number 14, which luckily was only 100 meters from home.

Turf Insider at Turfwiki- by ojarnstr

”Turfwiki is not only the place for all matters of knowledge of Turf, but also its history. I started a project a few years ago to add all Turf insider newsletters to the Turfwiki. This project is now almost complete with over 10 years’ worth of Turf insider newsletters.


As always, I am hoping more people will join me in writing articles for Turfwiki. If nothing else, please at least write your own user article. Tell the rest of the Turf world, a little bit about yourselves and how you Turf.

https://wiki.turfgame.com/en/wiki/User:YourTurfname (eng. wiki)

https://wiki.turfgame.com/sv/wiki/Anändare:DittTurfnamn (sv. wiki)

Funny thing if you do this, you can check all pages that are linked to your user article. If you have been an active turfer for many years… your name will probably come up in a few Turf insiders or other articles.

If you have questions about the wiki, please contact me by mail. ojarnstr / ojarnstr@gmail.com

There are a few issues of Turf Insider missing from the Turf Wiki, and ojarnstr would be very grateful for anyone finding the very early issues for him (October 2012 and earlier) and also three issues from 2015 (February, June and August). If you have any of these issues saved, please e-mail them to ojarnstr :)

Turf Picture of the Month

This months Turf Picture is of the zone SkellSquare taken by Marilium.


If you have a Zone picture you want featured as Turf Picture of the Month, send it to insider@turfgame.com. Please include your Turf nick for recognition!

Turfa lugnt/Safe turfing!
