
Turf insider December 2015

536 byte lades till, 24 juni 2023 kl. 08.31
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{| style="width: 90%;"
| style="width: 10%"| « [[Turf insider November 2015]]
| style="width: 10%"| [[Turf insider Januari 2016]] »
[[Fil:Turf insider banner.jpg|none|700px]]
==Winners and records==
[[Omgång 65|Round 65 ]] is over, we are entering the last month and round of the year and a record has been broken! Yes, that's right, in the last round the winner collected her fifth gold [[Gold medal]], before there were two turfers with four gold medals each in [[Användare:kingenin|kingenin ]] and [[Användare:Mazarin|Mazarin]], writes turf24.se! At the beginning of the round it looked like [[Användare:Jomii |Jomii]] had a good lead but he eventually lost it. The final score is as follows. At third place we have [[Användare:dekatomas |dekatomas]] who gathered 754 555 [[Poäng|points ]] from the region [[Region:Dalarna|Dalarna]]. At second place we find [[Användare:Jomii |Jomii]] from the region [[Region:Värmland |Värmland]] who gathered an impressive 1 159 830 [[Poäng|points! ]] Finally, at first place is [[Användare:kingenin |kingenin]] from the region [[Region:Kalmar|Kalmar ]] who managed to col lect collect an amazing record breaking 1 219 239 [[Poäng|points! ]] It's doubtful that this record will be beaten this year so lets give a big round of applause for the highest points in [[2015]], and if I'm wrong and this rounds winner breaks the record, I'll buy that turfer a coffee! 
==December and events==
Contrary to meteorological facts, Decemeber is here, although just the other day it was as warm in my town as it was on midsummer's eve... A different way of telling that it is december is by noticing the red hats on your Turf character! Yup, they are back!
Another thing that is back is the recurring event Lusseturf in [[Region:Västerås|Västerås]]! It's the last day to sign up so you'd better register right now! It's free to participate but if you want to win prizes from the prize table and enjoy some edible goodies while you're catching your breath, it will cost you 40 kr if you pay in advance and 60 kr if you pay at the event. You can find more info in Swedish here! 
==Another milestone==
Just at the beginning of this new round we actually broke another record, it's a group accomplishment, something that all of us collectively achieved but only one could win. We have managed to take over 20 million [[Zon|zones]]! That means we take on average over 300 000 zones per month since the beginning! But as I said, only one could do that 20 millionth takeover, and that person was [[Användare:tequilagold|tequilagold]]. Congratulations! Speaking of milestones, for you Swedish readers out there, I have some interesting reading during your time when you're not working or turfing. You might not know there's a wiki about [[Turf]], or maybe you do, but did you know there's a history section? Here's the link: http://wiki.turfgame.com/sv/wiki/Turfs_historia. There's an English version but it's not as updated, you can find it here: http://wiki.turfgame.com/en/wiki/History 
==Help us help you - issues and suggestions==
Feedback is important for us who work with keeping turf running. There are two types of feedback you can give:
'''Issues''': If you are experiencing problems with [[Turf ]] - for example the app doesn't work as intended or a [[Zon|zone ]] is not accessible or otherwise badly placed - please make an issue report. It's easy to do and very important. If, for instance, a group of turfers have issues with the app, it is not possible for us to understand the extent of the problem unless you make reports. Reporting in chat or facebook does not help and will not trigger any actions. Make issue reports here: http://issues.turfgame.com/
'''Suggestions''': If you have game, application or [[Zon|zone ]] suggestions, please post them in the forum. As opposed to individual facebook groups the Turf forum is available to all turfers and we want everyone to have the ability to comment on suggestions. Have a look at the different sub forums: https://forum.turfgame.com/
'''Making a zone''' suggestion in the app will not trigger any actions. Zone suggestions in the app is only an aid for [[Zonmakare|zone makers ]] when adding more zones in a region. If you know of interesting or unique places that deserve a zone, use the forum to push for it.
'''Game and application''' suggestions are posted in the Development section of the forum (https://forum.turfgame.com/viewforum.php?f=33), zone suggestions are posted in the zone section of the respective country.
See you right here in 2016,
//[[Användare:StarDust|StarDust]], [[Land:Sverige|Sweden]]
[[Kategori: Turf insider 2015]]
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