
Create zone article

151 bytes added, 17:23, 7 January 2021
|name = Examplezone
|image = [[File:Examplezone.jpg|350px]]
|imagetext = Imagetext
|symbol = [[File:Zontyp01.png|60px]]
|symboltext = (Zontyp, for example [[World Heritage Site]])
|difficulty = [[File:Difficulty1.png|frameless|90px]]
|location = [[Municipality: Example municipality|Example municipality]], [[Region: Example region|Example region]], [[Country: Example country|Example country]]
|surface = [[Surface]], [[Surface]]
-> The title of the zone info window.
|image = [[File:Examplezone.jpg|350px]]
-> Picture of the zone. Replace "Examplezone.jpg" with self-uploaded image. You upload your own images by using the side menu on the left, selecting "Upload file" under Wiki tools and following the instructions.
-> Piece of text that serves as descriptive text to the image.
|symbol = [[File:Zontyp01.png|60px]]
-> Ev. zone type (Zontyp) symbol for the zone. Replace the number with the appropriate number for the zone type, if applicable:
01: World Heritage Site
-> Associated text that talks about ev. zone type for the zone. Ex, Bridge zone, Monument zone, Summit zone, Water zone etc.
|difficulty = [[File:Difficulty1.png|frameless|90px]]
-> How difficult the zone is, in rough throws. Replace the figure with the appropriate difficulty level figure. 1 is easiest, 5 is most difficult.
[[Category: Example region]]
[[Category: Example municipality]]
[[Category: Year]]
Do the following:
[[Category: Example municipality]]
-> Municipality where the zone is located, otherwise delete.
[[Category: Year]]
-> Replace 'Year' with the year the zone was created, Ex. 2012, otherwise delete.
Examples: "Zone_TestZon-01", "Zone_BritsBest-07" and so on.
# Go to your zone article and replace
<nowiki>"[[File:Examplezone.jpg|350px]]"</nowiki> (is next to the top of your article)
with your own file:
<nowiki>[[File:Zone_YourZoneName-Number.jpg|350px]]</nowiki> (example Zone_WikiZone-01)
This links to the image you uploaded. Click on "Preview" at the bottom to make sure your image is in the right place.
[[Category: Guides]]
[[Category: Zones| ]]
[[sv:Guide:Skapa zonartikel]]
deletebatch, masseditregexeditor, Administrators