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Turf insider Juni 2023

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Round winners – May 2023 (round #155)

Congratulations to the winners of round May 2023: Jomii from Värmland turfed home his third Gold, Fashven from Scotland added a third Silver to his medal row and Király from Skåne took his sixth Bronze. Well done mates!

Upcoming events

If you are organizing an open event, don't forget to write to insider@turfgame.com a couple of months in advance to get the information about your event into Turf Insider :)

Turf Event at Eurocon 2023 in Uppsala, Sweden 10th of June

The goal is to spread Turf and offer an undemanding sight-seeing of Uppsala by foot during 45 min. Join our small SF-themed event at 12.30 pm in central Uppsala! The winner will get a trophy made by BirgittaS. The meeting place is outside the Universitetshuset in BirgittaS where EUROCON 2023 is being held. The organizers will be there from 12 pm to explain Turf and after the Event the prize ceremony will take place there as well.

Luleå2023 in Luleå, Sweden 10th of June

The event Luleå2023 will be a three-hour event consisting of three different types of turfing: Bike, walk/run, and swim. The zones made for biking will be on roads easily accessible by bike, the zones for running will be in forests on paths difficult to bike on, and the zones for swimming will be in the water. After the big event, there will be a smaller event called NorrlandClassic 1, which will be the first in (hopefully) a series of events in small and big towns in northern Sweden. Read more about it HERE.

VbMidniteC23 in Umeå, Sweden 17th of June

Midnight Classic is back in Umeå and it is the only 2-hour event that takes place during two days, starting at 11 pm and finishing at 1 am. You will find information about the event HERE.

Gbg Open in Göteborg, Sweden 1st of July

Turf Göteborg will host the 10th in a row Gbg Open in Göteborg this year. Information about the event will be found HERE closer to the event.

ABOA Turf in Turku, Finland 5th of August, 2023

It is now time to register for the ABOA Turf Open! ABOA Turf Open will be held in Turku, Finland, on 5th of August. Read more about the event HERE and register HERE. Registrations dead lines are 14th (with t-shirt) and 22nd (with award ceremony lunch) of July. We hope to see many of you in Turku!

And as it was not enough with one open event outside of Sweden this year, the Scottish turfers have announced there will be a Scottish Open Championship, with two classes!


All are welcome in Edinburgh for the first ever open event in Scotland and also the first ever Scottish Turf Championships!

Scottish Turf.jpg

Hosted by Edinburgh Southern Orienteering Club, we look forward to seeing lots of happy Turfers in our beautiful capital city, with foot and cycle events (90 minutes each) on Saturday 30th July. We are planning fun Turf activities for you too for the Sunday and want to make sure that everyone has an amazing time. You don't need to bring a kilt but please do feel free if you want to! If you'd like to register to get more information then please email president@esoc.org.uk More info will be available soon!

Events are fun and if you want to organize your own, write to events@turfgame.com and our amazing Event Manager will help you :)

Bonanza 2023

No one can have missed the Bonanza that took place in Umeå during last round. Here is the report from the Bonanza Crew Umeå:

Thanks for joining us for the Bonanza in Umeå!

Bonanza2023 Umeå.jpg

What a Bonanza! 311 Participants from five* countries joined forces in Umeå to summon the sun and have a great time and take a lot of zones. Umeå is normally a very busy Turf city, but this was all time high! And what a party we had all weekend – with 1 marriage proposal (congratulations to Cykeltalibarn1 and Bxtrom!), 1 snowman, a lot of grilled hamburgers, one mystery turfer and an impressive sing-along lead by Turf08.

We started the party already on Friday evening at Eljest, one of our sponsors and local café/bars on the island The Island (yes, it is really called ön Ön).

The two heats with a total of 753 zones resulted in 12 691 takeovers. Stockholm completely dominated the foot heat. Raundonvirsis, known for being a tremendous runner, took her second Bonanza Gold medal with 2424p and could row back home on her new standup paddleboard. With a silver medal and 2250p, rabbit_rail ensured that he now has all colours of the Bonanza medal. In third place came eddyueue, the turfer who won the first ever Turf round in July 2010. In the Bike heat local champion MrDinco (1791p) collected the gold medal and – allegedly to his wife’s horror – a bike sponsored by CM Cykel & Fritid. He was closely followed by magnusn (1773p) and recycling (1768p).

The only hiccup was a technical glitch that deprived us of the crowdy record (we know that we were over 200). Later in the evening during the pre-drink crowdy, a zone needed some tweaking, but none of the Zonemakers could do it. Drassen came to the rescue and for the first time ever (!?) relocated and expanded a zone.

During the banquet local turfer and assist fanatic, Scrotum entertained us with his jokes and thoughts on turfing. After the dinner Turf Awards 2022 were presented and the winners greeted. Turf Västerbotten also presented a special award “star of Västerbotten which was given to LeiLar (silver, for being such a great and friendly turf nestor) and SurUlla (gold, for putting up with LeiLar).

We in Turf Västerbotten are grateful for all volunteers and sponsors that made this Bonanza such a success. We are also blushing heavily after all your love and thanks that we have received in the chat, in emails and on social media.

Finally, some words about the experience of organizing the world championship in Turf. It requires some thorough planning, that’s for sure. We have been about 11 people in the planning group, the last year working with small and large tasks in different constellations, in addition to our fantastic volunteers at the event. We believe that our strength has been the diversity in our group. Not only for sharing the workload but also for making use of our extended network and for coming up with a variety of ideas (someone visualized a huge screen on the event area, another insisted on building a snowman). We would recommend any Turf association to consider hosting the Bonanza (and to be honest, we are tempted to do so again ourselves) – it was great fun!

PS. Who was the mystery turfer then? Well, those of you who were there already knows, the rest will have to guess:

Photo: WombaWomba
  • Five, someone will ask. Yes, apart from Finland, Germany, Scotland and Sweden, two freshly recruited tourists from the Netherlands decided on the spot to participate.

What did the winners think? Of course we asked them:

1. From your experience of the Bonanza, what was the most memorable?

2. What zone in Umeå did you enjoy the most?

3. What would be your best advice for someone considering taking part in a Bonanza for the first time?


1. The nice weather, the fantastic atmosphere and generally pleasant conversations. It was such a nice community!

2. I thought the zone at the giant clothespin was nice. Fun monument and nice surroundings.

3. It depends on why you participate. If you only want to have a good time, you just need to prepare your best mood. If you aim for a top position, you probably need to train a little at least. Enduring the last part of the heat is a key to success, that's where it's decided.

Thanks for a trebonanza!


1. Most memorable during the Bonanza for me was when I realized I had an opportunity to win gold, with about 25 minutes left. I think it was pure adrenaline and willpower that pushed the bike forward.

2. The Eksjön zone above the campus suited me strategically, as a starting point it gave several different options for choosing a route with many zones that could be taken quickly to keep up the pph.

3. It is a great opportunity to have fun and meet other turfers. Check your bike and equipment so that everything is working as it should if your goal is to place as good as possible.

Lastly, I would like to express a big thank you to Turf Västerbotten for the amazingly good and well-planned event management, non-profit forces that drive the business and development forward in the sport that allot us turf players like the most.

Thanks! //UncleFester and WombaWomba for Turf Västerbotten

Turf Picture of the Month

This month's Turf Picture is of the zone RamhällsGruva taken by mpmoke. Thanks to everyone who sent in your Turf pictures, keep 'em coming :)

If you have a Zone picture you want featured as Turf Picture of the Month, send it to insider@turfgame.com Please include your Turf nick for recognition!

Turfa lugnt/Safe turfing!


...if you want to contribute to future Turf Insiders, send your story to insider@turfgame.com :) C'mon and share your big and small stories with the Turf world.