Turf insider July 2019
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Round Winners[edit]
Congrats to the winner of round 108: Kygni from Uppsala, the first turfer to collect over 2 MILLION points during one round! Sleep, eat and take at least 57.000 points per day was the winning formula :) Ghost63_Ume from Umeå, Västerbotten came in about 900.000 point after Kygni and was awarded his first silver. plux from Eskilstuna, Södermanland added a bronze to his silver and gold.
Well done mates!
Two Million Points[edit]
Our two million points winner wants to thank everyone who helped during the last five weeks. It has been many hours on the bike and in the end Kygni took 11 757 zones.
”Thank you so much everyone for all the congratulations and the cheering on along the way to 2 million points. And thanks for all the help during the round both in the game and outside. The food and the extra batteries I have borrowed and especially the ”lap turfing” with TriggerHappy, Cissiliana and MrXzon. Thank you very much! Thanks also to those who helped me with guiding in Stockholm during the last 24 hours." Kygni, Uppsala
And from morgam, another Uppsala turfer, comes a few words of Turf history to put Kygni's amazing achievement in perspective:
”A little Turf million points story for those of you who can't be bothered to go through warded themselves ;)
Already in round 29, Mazarin was sniffing at the million points mark. And considering the zone density back then (have a look at https://turf.urbangeeks.org/ ), 913.069 was an impressive result. It took until round 47 before the Loaf broke the million points barrier.
In round 87 the battle between canon and Király took place, and they both pushed over 1.5 million points. During round 99, for the first time, one million points was not enough for a medal. Now, the 2 million points mark has been breached. The battle for the silver and bronze medals became fierce in the last and one million points once again was not enough for a medal.
When will two million points not be enough for a medal?”
Summer Events[edit]
Two events took place on the same day in June:
GtbOpen2019, where MaXi won the bicycle heat with MrJokerit (2019 Bonanza winner) a close second and Blackwall came in third. In the foot heat, Räkan.S ran home a gold medal, followed by Flippr and JKJE. The participants and organizers all had a blast! Read more here (in Swedish only).
Midnight Classic took place in Umeå amongst mosquitoes, a bright night and 44 turfers. In the bicycle heat, Superelak won the gold, Blodyx silver and Jorgenlxl bronze. In the foot heat the winner was Harijono, Ivern took silver and Ninetail bronze. Read more here (in Swedish only).
At the very end of summer, Turf Örebro will organize their highly appreciated KulTurf. This year it will take place on Saturday the 31st of August. The aim is to visit as many different zones as possible. There will be a foot heat and a bicycle heat. In the evening dinner will be served in the well known "Svampen". Read more here (only in Swedish).
If you want your public event featured in Turf Insider, write to: insider@turfgame.com preferably at least two months in advance and add a web page if possible. After the event it is always fun to read a paragraph about it (winners, weather, funny episodes) and remember that a picture is always worth more than a 1000 words.
Turf Wiki[edit]
TurfWiki is an encyclopedia about Turf, provided and maintained by the community. It aims to provide information about anything related to Turf, as well as guiding new players to learn the basics when starting out for the first time, and deepening the knowledge for more experienced players.
TurfWiki is going through a major overhaul since last year, with the goal and intention to revamp the design, improve navigation and how to search the content, provide simple yet extensive guides (mostly aimed towards new players). The aim is also to simplify the process of contribution.
With the release of version 2.1.1, the idea of Assist was introduced to Turf. It had been anticipated and asked for by the community for years. Assist allows several players to take a zone at the same time, giving the game a whole new dimension. What was earlier a mostly solitary game, the Assist feature now opened up for players to meet and play together. It also was a major improvement for travelling with your turfing partner and visiting new unique zones! Before Assist there was an endless discussion about who was going to take which zone, after Assist, everyone get every zone :)
New medals (Assist and Crowdy) were introduced at the same time and a new Toplist at warded was created: # Assisted turfers; simply put how many different turfers a person have Assisted in taking a zone with. A new word, ”passist” was coined by xelryz from Uppsala and is often used in certain circles when talking about the 'hunt' for more Assists with unique turfers.
With Assist in play, blocking another turfer is less of a problem. Many turfers feels it is an established etiquette to not block zones in front of another player if it is avoidable. This is, however, not a rule of the game. There are many reasons a player might not wait for fellow turfers (late for something, phone in pocket so are unaware of other players, don't know of the Assist feature or they might just not want to take an Assist). Blocking is still a game mechanism some players find exciting. It is not anyone's right to have other turfers wait for you to take an Assist, it is an extra feature of the game and turfers can choose to take the zone instead of holding off to give someone the chance of an Assist.
However, many enjoy meeting up and taking a zone or more together. Almost all in-app-chat channels are full of players asking others to meet up for an Assist or two. So if you find yourself in close proximity to another player (1-2 zones, sometimes more if it's an unique turfer you want to take a passist with), send the other turfer a message, asking if you can take the zone (always good to specify which zone!) together. Hopefully the other player is as keen as you are about meeting up, and you will find yourself in a zone taking an Assist.
When assisting it is good to keep an out to make sure the other player/s get the Assist. The red dots in your take column is a good help if there's only 2 or 3 of you trying for an Assist. Zooming in on the zone to see if everyone makes it into the zone can be helpful. The last option is to shout out to each other if you happen to leave the zone, and then everyone can turn off their GPS (thus cancelling the takeover of the zone) and you can then try again. Turning off the GPS is easiest done by pressing for about one second on the yellow Turf dude in the bottom left corner of the app window.
So go out there and meet up with a fellow turfer (newbie, oldie, traveller or local you have never met) this summer and collect those Assist together. Or organize a picnic with fellow turfers in a zone and send the picture to insider@turfgame.com :)
Turfa lugnt/Safe turfing!