
Turf insider December 2013

3,017 bytes added, 22:33, 30 October 2020
Created page with "none|700px '''Support Turf, new Android version and Turf Music Aid''' ==Results of round 41== As soon as this round started, it belonged to..."
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'''Support Turf, new Android version and Turf Music Aid'''

==Results of round 41==
As soon as this round started, it belonged to the city of Västerås, dare I say the current Turf capital of the world? Squirrel took the lead and kept it all the way, scoring a healthy 652000 points for the gold medal. Second place and silver medal once again goes to Thorre and Jönköping, in third place we find another Västerås turfer, LaserLudde. Congratulations to all medalists!

==New Android version and support Turf!==
With a brand new Android version of the app came quite a few really nice changes and new features. Perhaps the most noticeable change is that the statistics page in the app now is reserved for Turf supporters. In order to get access to your personal statistics in the application (they're still available at the website for free) you need to become a supporter. You sign up at the website and the cost is currently 29 SEK (~€3) a month, or you can choose to go for three or twelve months to get a discount. Your avatar will get a shiny "S" on its stomach and you will gain access to your personal in app statistics. In the future the developers have promised we will see more perks for supporters, however these perks will never be of the pay-2-win kind. I urge everyone who has the possibility to become a supporter to do so, the funds are very much needed to keep the game servers up and running. The new version also had quite a few other nice features! The zone taken window now disappeares automatically, great for the coming winter! New sounds, for example the Turf lady will warn you if you enter a blocked zone now. Three new medals: UK Explorer, Dawn Ninja and Icosaregion Star. All along with some other minor updates I would say that this version indeed brought us many nice things!

==Turf Music Aid==
One of the very nice Turf traditions we have is to contribute to a good cause, doing so in our special Turf way. So how do we raise this money? It's very simple: on the 8th of December, you will give an amount of money for each takeover that accours during the 24 hours the Turf Music Aid is live. Of course, you decide yourself what amount you wish to give. Keep in mind that a regular Sunday usually has about 12000 takeovers, so have your math straight.. For those of you who don't have the possibility to give money, you can still contribute by taking as many zones as possible. Let's together make Sunday the 8th of December a takeover record breaking day! You will find all the information you need on the website. Music aid is an annual project by P3 Swedish Radio, Swedish Television and Radiohjälpen, that raises money towards a forgotten disaster. This year the money raised will go towards helping women survive their pregnancy.

Happy turfing and don't forget to make a small detour for that extra zone!

Blabert, Sweden

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