Turf Medals

Turf Medals (turf.mitt.land) is an alternative profile page that shows various stats for a player. It was originally created to "quickly present which medals you have, which you are missing, and which are even possible to accomplish (without quitting your day job)" (LordNorth).


  • Shows all aquired and missing medals for a turfer.
  • Lets you share a turfer's stats (Wordle-style).
  • Displays the Toplists charts from Warded.
  • Allows you to compare up to 3 turfers against each other, declaring a winner.
  • Page with links to other third party sites and apps.
  • Can be installed as an app on your mobile (see About for instructions)

Discussion / Feature Requests / Changelog[edit]

Please see the Turf Medals form thread.

Data sources[edit]

External links[edit]


It was created by LordNorth May, 2022.