Turf insider Januari 2023

Version från den 5 januari 2023 kl. 22.17 av Ojarnstr (Diskussion | bidrag)
« Turf insider December 2022 Turf insider Februari 2023 »

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Round winners – December 2022 (Round #150)

Congratulations to the winners of round December 2022 (#150): Király from Skåne turfed home his 18th Gold medal, micke0708 from Blekinge added a Silver to his Bronze and gerald_flux.rc from Berlin secured his first Bronze. Well done mates!

Andrimon have decided to restyle the naming of the rounds in Turf. From this Turf Insider, you will notice the monthly mail is named "Turf Round News" with the just finished round designated "December 2022" followed by the number #150. The idea is that December 2022 will be easier to remember than Round #150. Both ways will continue to be used to talk about Rounds in turf, but more emphasis will be on the December 2022 nomenclature.

Upcoming events

Winter is upon us and very few major events are taking place. A few local events will happen in conjuncture with other club activities, for example in Linköping this March for members only in Turf Östergötland.

Västerbotten Winter Classic 2023

In the middle of February, Saturday the 18th Turf Västerbotten will organize their annual Winter Classic event. This is a chance to spend two hours by foot or by bike experiencing the conditions in Northern Sweden for turfers during winter. Lots of snow and temperatures well below 0. More information will soon be found at Turf Västerbottens home page HERE.

If nothing else you can check out one of LeiLar's fave zones, NothingFancy. Earlier this winter it was covered in a huge snow heap, but thanks to the local kids and their parents, the snow heap was dug out, creating a perfect way to take the zone from within the heap!


If you are organizing an open event, don't forget to write to insider@turfgame.com a couple of months in advance to get the information about your event into the news letter :)

Bonanza 2023 in Umeå

The main event of the Turf World is organized by Turf Västerbotten on the 20th of May with events in two classes, a Bonanza banquet and lots of other fun activities, I am sure. Sign up for the Bonanza 2023 can be found HERE. See you in Umeå in May! :)

Turf Awards 2022

Turf Awards is awarded to turfers who have made significant or particularly attentive achievements during the previous year or have been involved in an especially noted or spectacular zone takeover.

Nominations for Turf Awards 2022 are now open, HERE. The nomination period will close on February 28th. I know you all have that special turfer you want to acknowledge a little extra.

Voting will take place during April. Turf Awards are handed over to the winners by Turf Crew at the Bonanza banquet in Umeå May 20th, 2023.

Turf Awards will be awarded in the following categories:

  • Best Turf achievement of the year 2022

Awarded to the Turfer who, for example, got the most gold medals, monthly medals, has taken the most zones, unique zones, regions or equivalent in 2022.

  • Turf Star of the Year 2022

Awarded to the Turfer who started turfing as a newbie in 2022 and has made fast progress during the year.

  • Turfer of the Year 2022

An open category to nominate a Turfer that exceled in an exemplary way without any connections to an individual Turf performance. This award can be given for anything, for example: efforts to spread Turf, marketing, organizing Turf events or a Turfer who has helped and supported others in a special way.

  • Most Spectacular Zone Takeover of the Year 2022

Awarded to the Turfer, who has completed one of the most notable or spectacular zone takes in 2022.

Berlins youngest turfer

Turf Insider was approached by our German Crew member with a story about Berlin's youngest turfer, DasHuhn2013. Here is some facts about him in his own words:

  • ”Hi, my name is Theo aka “DasHuhn2013” from the south of Berlin. I am a “Junior Turfer” [9 years] and I have been a turfer since June 2022. My favourite hobbies are swimming, cycling (road-MTB-Indoor) and of course hunting zones.
  • I love Turf, because it’s outdoors, its active, and I’m seeing parts of Berlin I’ve never seen before. I already collected some medals for my virtual showcase, entered Rank 35 and my goal for 2023 is the medal “Darkest Ninja”, Rank 40 and visiting as many new zones as possible.
  • In the last round I made the 6th place in Germany and I went out in any weather, even when it was -13 degrees cold. Friends always ask me if it’s like Pokémon Go? And I say No! I’m obsessed and delighted (!!) to take zones and not interested in catching imaginary animals on Pokemon Go. :-)

Happy New Year and Thank you Turf Crew! #TurfOn, Theo”

I am sure if you are visiting Berlin you will see zones belonging to DasHuhn2013 and his dad Sven_R.

At the end of the year, I asked my fellow Crew members what Turf Year 2022 meant for them in one word (or a few). Here is a picture of their answers:


December 2022 was the second anniversary for the UK “explosion” and many UK turfers are celebrating two years as turfers these days. If you have missed the Blog by UK turfer PlanetGary, this is his post when looking back on that very first day in 2020 when he took his first zones, HERE.

Turf Picture of the Month

This month's Turf Picture is of the zone Tångstrand taken by allinug.

If you have a Zone picture you want featured as Turf Picture of the Month, send it to insider@turfgame.com Please include your Turf nick for recognition!

Did you know...

...that in the very first round of Turf, #1 in August 2010, 8 people took zones

...the winner of round #1, eddyueue had 87 798 points and rumour has it he went with his inlines all over Stockholm to collect those points.

...eddyueue did not get to place a Winner zone until his third win in round #4. His Winner zone EyeSeeYou are located in region Stockholm.

Turfa lugnt/Safe turfing!
