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Turf insider April 2019

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Round Winners

All medal winners of round 105 cracked the one million points line. Congrats to KRALJICA from Skåne to her first gold (and first top-three placement in Turf). Király from Skåne came in second and was awarded his fifth silver. M0112 from Åland secured his first bronze medal. Well done mates!

Bonanza 2019 - 18th of May in Stockholm

Come to the capital of Sweden and compete by foot or bike in the lovely royal Djurgården area. The registration period ends April 10th. This is a great opportunity to meet and greet fellow turfers from everywhere. The competitions end with a festive dinner party, the Bonanza Banquet. All information about all of this and more can be found at:

Turf Crew will hand over the Turf Awards to the winners during the Bonanza Banquet in Stockholm on May 18, 2019.

If you want your public event featured in Turf Insider, write to: preferably at least two months in advance and add a web page if possible. After the event it is always fun to read a paragraph about it (winners, weather, funny episodes) and remember that a picture is always worth more than a 1000 words.

What happened with Turfo?

For the first two months of this year, Turfo became easier and easier to find. Sometimes up to ten sightings per day. This was due to a ‘cloning event’. Every time two or more turfers found Turfo together (using Assist); he split himself to as many clones as turfers who found him. If three people found him, he went and hid in three new zones and so on. This programming glitch was fixed early March and since then it is much more difficult to spot Turfo, usually less than once per day a turfer finds him hiding in a zone at takeover.

Issues – when to write them and how

Issues is the Turf community’s way to report anything not working correctly with Turf to Turf Crew; mistakes in where a zone is located or its name or simply put; anything that does not work with the app. Most issues reported have something to do with the zones we all love to take over. It is either the name (where misspelling is the most common), the location (too close to a children’s playground, fenced off due to construction, too close to a heavily trafficked road etc.) or attribute (either missing an attribute or having the wrong one).

Non-zone related issues commonly deal with a crashing app, gps-trouble, not being awarded a specific medal and different point calculations between the app and third party web pages.

Issues are dealt with by the Developers and Crew members. Zone-related issues are the responsibility of the zone maker in that area. The area responsibilities change every four months, which means the issue-responsibility changes too.

Most issues regarding zones in Sweden are written in Swedish, although it is not obligatory. Issues for non-Swedish zones should be written in English. Since most of Crew are Swedes, we do not recommend writing an issue in the native language of the country where the zone is located. English can be used for issues about Swedish zones as well.

Often people complain about the location of a zone and suggest we ‘remove it’. This is something we do not do. We move zones. If no suggestion of a new location is included in the issue, we often ask for a new location. If not given one, we move to a location we hope is better than the old one. Sometimes this results in a new issue on the same zone complaining again about the location. Either include a screen dump where you have marked a new location for the zone, or write “move 50 meters to the south of current location to the bike path”. A short explanation to why the zone is in a bad location is also helpful.

You can also subscribe to issues, either specifically to those reported in your area, or a specific category. You can do it here: By subscribing to issues in your area, you can add your input to other turfers issues. Maybe you know something they don’t about the reported issue. Let’s help each other make Turf better!

Lastly, I would just like to say that most issues we receive have enough information for us to correct the problem at hand. If not, we try to send an e-mail to the turfer who reported the issue, asking for more information. So please, make sure you have a valid e-mail connected to your turf account and that you reply to any e-mail asking for more information regarding the issue you submitted.

Interview with the first medal winner of Gävleborg region

In round 104, sim_en from Gävle became the first turfer to win a round medal in region Gävleborg. He secured a bronze medal and his fellow turfer Wheelstream helped interviewing him :)

Your Turf-nick - what does it mean? Where does it come from?

  • The name comes from my own name Simon. I just redid it a little so it wouldn't be the same.

What made you begin with Turf?

  • A friend told me about Turf, so then I was hooked.

How long have you been turfing?

  • I downloaded the app in 2012-2013, but has only been active now and then.

Favorite zone?

Which medal was the most difficult to take?

What is most frustrating about Turf?

  • When you have set a goal and start to lose the zones.

Which personal goal are you most satisfied with?

  • At the moment I am happy to come third in the world, a and got the bronze medal.

An aid you used to take a zone. Which?

  • I took the car I to take SlopeZone on the southern mountain in Sundsvall, that hill is 3 km straight up.

Which turfer do you take the most zones off?

  • A difficult question, but for the moment it might be Naset.

A medal you want to take in the future?

Most memorable zone you have taken?

  • To get to LouisDeGeer there was a long icy road without any winter tires on the bike, so there were a few rollovers with the bike.

Tell us about the road to Bronze in game 104: What made you run? What was hard? Funny?

  • My goal was to just take the R (Region medal), but then I realized that I was doing really well and then I just kept going. My goal was at least 100 zones per day.
  • It is also fun to meet other turfers with the same interest, one can help each other in different rounds if one has a specific goal to achieve.

Thanks for telling us a little about yourself, sim_en!

A Turf Challenge from TXL

Four time Gold-winner TXL from Skåne has a challenge to all you turfers out there:

Take all four of his Winner Zones in 24 hours (two in Malmö, Sweden and two in Copenhagen, Denmark) and you will get a medal. Take them in order (they will spell out his Turf-nick); T, X, L and TXL and you will be a rewarded with a cup. He requires documentation from each zone in order to award the prizes. Maybe something for the summer vacation?

If you have a Turf meeting extraordinary or something else Turf-related you want to share with the community, write to me at :)

Turfa lugnt/Safe turfing!
